豹纹孔雀鱼 bào wén kǒng què yú
豹纹孔雀鱼,【bào wén kǒng què yú 】豹纹孔雀鱼是从草尾孔雀中分划出来的品系。豹纹孔雀的特色:和草尾孔雀的差别在于尾鳍底色一般呈黄色,鱼体与尾鳍交界部分的纹路为“三”之类的流水纹。其次,豹纹孔雀的起源为德系黄尾礼服孔雀,因而它们的吻部呈黄色。
Leopard peacock fish, [J] ī n sh ǔ k ǒ Ng Qu è y ú] leopard peacock fish is a strain divided from grass tailed peacock. Characteristics of leopard peacock: the difference between leopard peacock and grass tail peacock is that the background color of tail fin is generally yellow, and the lines at the junction of fish body and tail fin are water lines such as "three". Secondly, the origin of leopard peacock is German yellow tailed peacock, so their kiss is yellow.
版权:《豹纹孔雀鱼 bào wén kǒng què yú 》由“鱼花网[www.fishbkw.com]”编辑整理,请勿采集、转载!本文素材均来自网络如有侵权请联系我们予以删除!谢谢...
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