草尾孔雀鱼 cǎo wěi kǒng què yú
草尾孔雀鱼,Grass cǎo wěi kǒng què yú 是由水族专家人工改良出来的品种。草尾孔雀按尾鳍色泽不同,分成两种:一种是标准尾鳍的草尾,底色不拘;另一种则是玻璃尾,尾鳍较为透明,因而上面的斑点就象喷点状的分布,朦胧之美犹如“纱丽”。
Grass tailed peacock fish, grass C ǎ o w ě i k ǒ Ng Qu è y ú is a variety artificially improved by aquarium experts. The grass tailed peacock can be divided into two types according to the color of the tail fin: one is the grass tail of the standard tail fin, and the background color is not limited; The other is the glass tail. The tail fin is more transparent, so the spots on it are like spray points, and the hazy beauty is like "Sari".
版权:《草尾孔雀鱼 cǎo wěi kǒng què yú 》由“鱼花网[www.fishbkw.com]”编辑整理,请勿采集、转载!本文素材均来自网络如有侵权请联系我们予以删除!谢谢...
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