礼服孔雀鱼 lǐ fú kǒng què yú
礼服孔雀鱼,lǐ fú kǒng què yú 礼服是指孔雀鱼的后半身为黑色、深蓝色或其他的纯色调,而尾鳍上应该没有任何杂色斑点或花纹,整体感觉素雅大方,如穿着晚礼服的美人雍容华贵。尾鳍要比其他品系的孔雀鱼更为宽大且长,尾鳍部分的色泽要均匀,绝对不可掺杂任何斑点或花纹,整体的色泽需要单一化以及色彩的纯度。
Dress peacock fish, L ǐ fú k ǒ Ng Qu è y ú dress means that the back body of the peacock fish is black, dark blue or other solid colors, and there should be no variegated spots or patterns on the tail fin. The overall feeling is simple and elegant, such as the beauty in evening dress. The tail fin should be wider and longer than that of other strains of guppies. The color of the tail fin should be uniform and must not be mixed with any spots or patterns. The overall color needs to be unitary and the purity of color.
文章源自鱼花网【www.fishbkw.com】-https://fishbkw.com/c/1249.html版权:《礼服孔雀鱼 lǐ fú kǒng què yú 》由“鱼花网[www.fishbkw.com]”编辑整理,请勿采集、转载!本文素材均来自网络如有侵权请联系我们予以删除!谢谢...
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