单斑蝴蝶鱼 dān bān hú dié yú
中文名 | 单斑蝴蝶鱼 | 目 | 鲈形目 |
拉丁学名 | Chaetodon unimaculatus | 亚目 | 刺尾鱼亚目 |
别名 | 一点蝶、一点清 | 科 | 刺尾鱼科 |
界 | 动物界 | 属 | 刺尾鱼属 |
门 | 脊索动物门 | 种 | 单斑蝴蝶鱼 |
亚门 | 脊椎动物亚门 | 分布 | 印度-太平洋 |
纲 | 硬骨鱼纲 | 汉语拼音 | dān bān hú dié yú |
单斑蝴蝶鱼,(学名:Chaetodon unimaculatus)。为蝴蝶鱼科蝴蝶鱼属。体长可达15厘米。体色黄,眼睛到侧腹中心颜色较浅。鱼体中央有一滴大的黑色泪珠状斑块,随着鱼龄成熟,斑块变得不像泪珠状,有如一个圆形斑点。幼鱼体色较浅,泪珠状斑块也较清晰。此鱼分布西起非洲东岸,东至太平洋美拉尼西亚,南到新几内亚、北到日本、台湾岛以及西沙群岛。模式种产地在东印度群岛。
Single spotted butterfly fish (scientific name: Chaetodon unimaculatus). It belongs to the genus Phalaenopsis of Phalaenopsis family. The body length can reach 15 cm. The body color is yellow, and the color from the eyes to the center of the lateral abdomen is light. There is a large black teardrop like plaque in the center of the fish. As the fish matures, the plaque becomes unlike teardrop like, like a circular spot. The body color of the young fish is light, and the tear like plaque is also clear. This fish is distributed from the east coast of Africa in the west to Melanesia in the Pacific in the East, New Guinea in the south, Japan, Taiwan Island and the Xisha Islands in the north. The model species originated in the East Indies.
版权:《单斑蝴蝶鱼 dān bān hú dié yú 》由“鱼花网[www.fishbkw.com]”编辑整理,请勿采集、转载!本文素材均来自网络如有侵权请联系我们予以删除!谢谢...
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