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克氏蝴蝶鱼Chaetodon kleinii(Bloch,1790)【珠蝴蝶鱼】kè shì hú dié yú

发布时间:03-24 海水观赏鱼 阅读编辑:渔者
克氏蝴蝶鱼,又名珠蝴蝶鱼,Chaetodon kleinii (Bloch,1790), 为蝴蝶鱼科,蝴蝶鱼属的一种鱼类。鱼体前半部为淡茶色,后半部为暗黄色,每个鳞片中央有一红点,有眼带,起于背鳍基底,终于腹鳍前边,吻及唇部为黑色,背鳍和臀鳍软条有极狭窄的黑边,体侧有两条不明显的淡褐色带。在珊瑚礁区生长,以藻类、珊瑚虫、浮游动物为食,贪吃,可作诱食鱼种。水族箱,可以与其他蝶鱼混养(包括同种),但注意要同时入缸。可以放入珊瑚缸,但会吃掉一些皮珊瑚及软珊瑚。是一种新手可养的鱼。每天喂食三次,动物性饵料,像鱼肉、虾肉、软体等。...文章源自鱼花网【www.fishbkw.com】-https://fishbkw.com/c/867.html
克氏蝴蝶鱼Chaetodon kleinii(Bloch,1790)【珠蝴蝶鱼】kè shì hú dié yú
拉丁学名Chaetodon kleinii(Bloch,1790)亚目鲈亚目
硬骨鱼纲汉语拼音kè shì hú dié yú

克氏蝴蝶鱼,又名珠蝴蝶鱼,Chaetodon kleinii (Bloch,1790), 为蝴蝶鱼科,蝴蝶鱼属的一种鱼类。鱼体前半部为淡茶色,后半部为暗黄色,每个鳞片中央有一红点,有眼带,起于背鳍基底,终于腹鳍前边,吻及唇部为黑色,背鳍和臀鳍软条有极狭窄的黑边,体侧有两条不明显的淡褐色带。在珊瑚礁区生长,以藻类、珊瑚虫、浮游动物为食,贪吃,可作诱食鱼种。水族箱,可以与其他蝶鱼混养(包括同种),但注意要同时入缸。可以放入珊瑚缸,但会吃掉一些皮珊瑚及软珊瑚。是一种新手可养的鱼。每天喂食三次,动物性饵料,像鱼肉、虾肉、软体等。


Chaetodon kleinii (Bloch, 1790), also known as pearl butterfly fish, is a fish of the genus Phalaenopsis in the family Phalaenopsis. The first half of the fish body is light brown, and the second half is dark yellow. There is a red dot in the center of each scale and an eye band, starting from the base of the dorsal fin and finally in front of the ventral fin. The kiss and lip are black. The soft strips of the dorsal fin and hip fin have extremely narrow black edges, and there are two inconspicuous light brown bands on the side of the body. It grows in coral reef area and feeds on algae, coral insects and zooplankton. It is greedy and can be used as bait fish. Aquarium can be mixed with other butterfly fish (including the same species), but it should be put into the tank at the same time. It can be put into a coral tank, but it will eat some skin corals and soft corals. It is a kind of fish that can be raised by novices. Feed three times a day with animal bait, such as fish, shrimp, software, etc.


版权:《克氏蝴蝶鱼Chaetodon kleinii(Bloch,1790)【珠蝴蝶鱼】kè shì hú dié yú》由“鱼花网[www.fishbkw.com]”编辑整理,请勿采集、转载!本文素材均来自网络如有侵权请联系我们予以删除!谢谢...
