青龙 qīng lóng
青龙:(英文名:Green Arowana)体形较其他亚洲龙鱼短小。鳞片青色侧线明显发达。以鳞片呈现紫色斑纹的最为名贵。产于泰国、缅甸、东埔寨、越南、马来西亚和印尼等地有些青龙鳞片是半透明的,有些是不透明的。它的侧线在其灰绿色的鳞片当中更是显眼。上好青龙的身体上部会有淡淡的蓝或紫色。成鱼的头部也较圆和较小。可以人工繁殖。
Green arowana (English Name: Green arowana) is shorter than other Asian arowanas. The scales are cyan and the lateral lines are obviously developed. It is the most precious one with purple stripes on its scales. Produced in Thailand, Myanmar, dongpuzhai, Vietnam, Malaysia and Indonesia, some green dragon scales are translucent and some are opaque. Its lateral line is more prominent among its grayish green scales. The upper part of the body of the best green dragon will have a light blue or purple. The head of adult fish is also round and smaller. It can be artificially propagated.
版权:《青龙 qīng lóng 》由“鱼花网[www.fishbkw.com]”编辑整理,请勿采集、转载!本文素材均来自网络如有侵权请联系我们予以删除!谢谢...
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