蛇尾 shé wěi
Snake tail is a marine invertebrate of the Ophiuroideaa of the Echinodermata. It lives in a variety of environments, often in the deep sea. Snake tails mainly eat carrion and plankton, but sometimes they also catch quite large animals.
分布最广的长腕蛇尾(Amphiopholis squamata)淡灰或淡蓝色,能发甚强的光。沿岸常见的两种蛇尾是︰绿蛇尾(Ophioderma brevispina,即短刺皮蛇尾)分布范围从麻萨诸塞到巴西;普通欧洲蛇尾(Ophiothrix fragilis,即脆刺蛇尾)。筐蛇尾或称蔓星鱼,其腕多分支,且多卷曲,多栖于深海。
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