红裙鱼 hóng qún yú
红裙鱼,又名灯火鱼、半身红鱼、红裙子鱼。它身体呈纺锤形,前半部较宽,后半部突然变窄,好像少了一块。体长 3 ~ 4 厘米,鱼体呈透明状,头部和背部为暗绿色,头后为浅黄色,身体后半部为鲜红色艳如红裙,所有鳍条也为红色。胸鳍上方有两条黑色横向条纹。繁殖时身体前半部也会转成浅红色。红裙鱼是人们十分喜欢的小型美丽的热带鱼。
Red skirt fish, also known as lamp fire fish, half body red fish and red skirt fish. Its body is spindle shaped, the front half is wide, and the rear half suddenly narrows, as if a piece is missing. The body is 3 ~ 4cm long, the fish is transparent, the head and back are dark green, the back of the head is light yellow, the back half of the body is bright red, as bright as a red skirt, and all fins are also red. There are two black transverse stripes above the pectoral fin. When breeding, the front half of the body will also turn light red. Red skirt fish is a small and beautiful tropical fish that people like very much.
雌鱼比雄鱼个体略大,腹部膨大,臀鳍边缘灰色;雄鱼个体略小,体色鲜艳,臀鳍边缘黑色。繁殖期雌∶雄比为 1∶ 2 或 1∶ 3 。繁殖缸栽水草、保持安静、遮光,亲鱼放入次日即可产卵。雌鱼产卵量 300 ~ 600 粒。产卵后取出亲鱼,以防吞卵。每隔15天可产卵一次。孵化、育幼同于宝莲灯鱼。
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