红白花龙睛 hóng bái huā lóng jīng
红白花龙睛 ,【hóng bái huā lóng jīng 】其眼球膨大,凸出眼眶外,两眼大小一致,左右对称,因眼形似龙眼而得名。龙睛金鱼宜饲养在澄清硬水中,眼球发育较好,二龄多的大鱼,其眼球膜外面形成各种奇特形状,已发现的眼形有灯泡形、圆球形、圆筒形、梨形和葡萄形等。特色品种有玛瑙眼龙睛,体色洁白,唯眼球血红,因其子代正品率较低,难以普及。
The red and white flower longan has an enlarged eyeball and protrudes beyond the orbit. The two eyes are the same size and symmetrical. It is named because the eyes are similar to longan. Longjing goldfish should be raised in clear hard water with well-developed eyeballs. For large fish with more than two years of age, various strange shapes are formed outside the eyeball membrane. The found eye shapes include bulb shape, ball shape, cylindrical shape, pear shape and grape shape. Characteristic varieties include Agate Eye Longjing, whose body color is white and only the eyeball is red. It is difficult to popularize because of its low genuine rate of offspring.
版权:《红白花龙睛 hóng bái huā lóng jīng》由“鱼花网[www.fishbkw.com]”编辑整理,请勿采集、转载!本文素材均来自网络如有侵权请联系我们予以删除!谢谢...
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