五花龙睛 wǔ huā lóng jīng
中文名 | 五花龙睛 | 目 | 鲤形目 |
学名 | 科 | 鲤科 | |
别名 | 亚科 | 鲤亚科 | |
界 | 动物界 | 属 | 鲫属 |
门 | 脊索动物门 | 种 | 五花龙睛 |
纲 | 硬骨鱼纲 | 分布 | |
亚纲 | 辐鳍亚纲Actinopterygii | 拼音 | wǔ huā lóng jīng |
Five flower Longjing, with a body length of 10-15cm, is composed of red, black, white, blue, yellow and other patches or spots, and each fin has five flower spots. The eyes are large and protrude outward. The varieties of Dragon Eye Goldfish include red dragon eye, black dragon eye, red and white dragon eye, five flower dragon eye, Agate Eye dragon eye, etc. it is a traditional variety of Chinese goldfish. The feeding water temperature is 10-28 ℃, the water quality requirements are not strict, and the bait includes fish, insects, pellet feed, etc.
文章源自鱼花网【www.fishbkw.com】-https://fishbkw.com/c/1353.html版权:《五花龙睛 wǔ huā lóng jīng》由“鱼花网[www.fishbkw.com]”编辑整理,请勿采集、转载!本文素材均来自网络如有侵权请联系我们予以删除!谢谢...
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