爱琴鱼 ài qín yú
爱琴鱼拉丁学名Aphyosemion celiae,原产于西非洲,爱琴鱼体形似竖琴琴尾鱼,长6-7厘米。尾鳍稍长宽不分叉,上下叶端不延长。体色基调为淡绿、黄色,常随环境发生变色,背、臀鳍上有黑色带。尾鳍花纹色彩十分美丽。雄鱼的尾鳍,臀鳍具橙色带。雌鱼的旗型,色彩不如雄鱼。在发情期,雄鱼更美丽。
Red bellied pencil, [nannostomus beckfordi (g ü nther, 1872)] fish has a mild temperament, is suitable for living in weak acidic and neutral water, and eats a small amount of filamentous algae. It is suitable for mixed feeding with other mild small fish. It can be fed with small particles of dry bait, flakes and Daphnia. There is a black stripe in the center of the side of the body, the edge of the stripe is dark red, and the upper end of the fin is distributed by white dots.
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