红丽丽鱼 hóng lì lì yú
中文名 | 红丽丽鱼 | 目 | 鲈形目 |
拉丁学名 | colisa chuna | 亚目 | 鲈亚目 |
别名 | 核桃鱼 | 科 | 丝足鲈科 |
界 | 动物界 | 属 | 斗鱼属 |
门 | 脊索动物门 | 种 | 红丽丽鱼 |
纲 | 硬骨鱼纲 | 分布 | 印度东北部 |
亚纲 | 辐鳍亚纲 | 拼音 | hóng lì lì yú |
Red Lili fish is a kind of fish belonging to the betta family, also known as walnut fish. Like to eat thin, frozen food, such as Daphnia, red worm, shrimp and mosquito larvae. The body length is 4~5 cm. The body pigment is light, but when it comes to reproductive estrus, the male fish shows marriage color, red copper color, and blue from the lower jaw to the pectoral fin, which is not beautiful.
版权:《红丽丽鱼 hóng lì lì yú 》由“鱼花网[www.fishbkw.com]”编辑整理,请勿采集、转载!本文素材均来自网络如有侵权请联系我们予以删除!谢谢...
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