班加红龙 Banjar Red Arowana bān jiā hóng lóng
班加红龙:Banjar Red Arowana班加红龙一度被认为是人工杂交繁殖出的个体,即红龙与青龙杂交的产物。但实际上,班加红龙是原生种。当然,在进行人工繁殖时,有些可能混入了红龙的血统,从而使后三鳍的颜色更红。班加红龙幼鱼的后三鳍为红色,与红龙的幼鱼不容易区分。但长到成鱼后,班加红龙是不会发色的,于是这种龙鱼被冠以一号半红龙或二号红龙。这种冠以红龙的叫法一直延续到今天,但不能把它与红龙混为一谈。
Banga Red Dragon: banjar red arowana Banga red dragon was once considered as an individual bred by artificial hybridization, that is, the product of the hybridization between red dragon and green dragon. But in fact, Banga red dragon is a native species. Of course, in artificial breeding, some may be mixed with the blood of red dragon, which makes the color of the rear three fins redder. The rear three fins of the young Banga red dragon are red, which is not easy to distinguish from the young red dragon. But when it grows into an adult fish, Banga red dragon will not color, so this kind of dragon fish is called No. 1 and a half red dragon or No. 2 red dragon. The name "red dragon" continues to this day, but it cannot be confused with "red dragon".
文章源自鱼花网【www.fishbkw.com】-https://fishbkw.com/c/971.html版权:《班加红龙 Banjar Red Arowana bān jiā hóng lóng》由“鱼花网[www.fishbkw.com]”编辑整理,请勿采集、转载!本文素材均来自网络如有侵权请联系我们予以删除!谢谢...
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