鲚鱼 jì yú
鲚鱼又名子鲚、凤尾鱼、彩虹鱼、百万鱼、刀鱼、凤鲚、烤子鱼、豆仔鱼,体延长,侧扁 ,向后渐细长。腹部棱鳞显著,16-17 22-26。吻短,圆突,等于或略大于眼径。眼中等大。口大,下位;口裂倾斜。上颌骨后延伸达胸鳍基部,上颌骨下缘有细锯齿。
Coilia Coilia, also known as Coilia Coilia, anchovies, rainbow fish, million fish, swordfish, Coilia Coilia, roasted son fish and bean larvae, is elongated, flat on the side and gradually slender backward. Abdominal scales are prominent, 16-17 22-26. Snout short, rounded, equal to or slightly larger than eye diameter. Eyes are big. Big mouth, inferior; The cleft lip is inclined. The maxilla extends posteriorly to the base of the pectoral fin, and the lower edge of the maxilla has fine serrations.
齿细小,绒毛状,上下颌齿单列;锄骨和腭骨均有绒毛状齿带。鳃耙细长,18-21 25-30;左右鳃盖膜相连,但不与峡部相连;鳃盖条9-10。体被易脱落的薄圆鳞,纵列鳞60-65;头部无鳞;胸鳍和腹鳍的基部各有1宽大的腋鳞;无侧线。背鳍位于体前半部上方,背鳍基前方有1短棘,后接鳍条13;臀鳍起点距吻端较距尾鳍基为近,鳍条数74-86;胸鳍上部有6根游离鳍条,均延长为丝状,向后延伸到或超过臀鳍起点;腹鳍短小,始于背鳍小棘的下方;尾鳍上下叶不对称,上叶尖长,下叶短小,下叶的鳍条与臀鳍条相连。体银白色,背缘偏墨绿色;尾鳍尖端稍带黑色;背鳍、胸鳍、腹鳍浅色。
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