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海豚 hǎi tún Oceanic dolphins, Dolphins, Delphis, Delphinids

发布时间:04-12 水下生物 阅读编辑:渔者
海豚  hǎi tún Oceanic dolphins, Dolphins, Delphis, Delphinids
拉丁学名Oceanic dolphins, Dolphins, Delphis, Delphinids亚目
哺乳纲汉语拼音hǎi tún


Dolphins are mammals of the family Dolphinidae in the order Cetaceae. Its trunk is spindle shaped, with a smooth and smooth body shape, and its skin is smooth and hairless; The head features are prominent, with a raised forehead in front of the beak; Having a hooked dorsal fin. Some dolphins have eye-catching color patterns on their body surface, while others have more monotonous colors. Due to its round and rolling body resembling a pig weighing several hundred pounds, it is named "dolphin".

海豚分布于太平洋、大西洋和印度洋。在热带和温带海域栖息,活动敏捷,眷恋性强。海豚好群栖,常几只到几百只成群活动,群游海面,追逐船只,或对鱼类进行结群围食; 多以小鱼、小虾、乌贼、蟹等为食。海豚的交配发生在夏秋两季;妊娠期约为11个月。寿命可以长达25年甚至30年。

Dolphins are distributed in the Pacific, Atlantic, and Indian Oceans. Residing in tropical and temperate waters, agile and highly attached. Dolphins are good at group living, often moving in groups of several to hundreds, swimming in groups on the sea, chasing boats, or gathering and feeding on fish; They often feed on small fish, shrimp, squid, crabs, and so on. Dolphin mating occurs in both summer and autumn seasons; The pregnancy period is approximately 11 months. The lifespan can reach up to 25 or even 30 years.

海豚科是在大约1000万年前的中新世晚期进化形成的一种相对现代的种类群体,它们是所有鲸类中种类最丰富和具有最大多样性的种群。 海豚是非常智慧的动物,在许多国家都受到保护。它们和人类是很好的朋友,在人类面临危险时会挺身而出为人类提供帮助,担任着“海上救生员”的角色。 海豚不仅能救人于危难之际,而且是个天才的表演家,能表演许多精彩的节目,如钻铁环、玩篮球、与人交互动作和发出口叫声等,更重要的是海豚会使用口叫声来传递身份和位置信息与同伴相互联络。

Dolphinidae is a relatively modern group of species that evolved in the late Miocene approximately 10 million years ago. They are the most diverse and diverse population among all whale species. Dolphins are very intelligent animals and are protected in many countries. They are good friends with humans and will step forward to provide assistance when humans are in danger, playing the role of "sea lifeguards". Dolphins are not only capable of rescuing people in times of danger, but they are also talented performers who can perform many exciting performances, such as drilling iron rings, playing basketball, interacting with people, and making vocalizations. More importantly, dolphins use their vocalizations to transmit identity and location information and connect with their peers.




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