弗氏海豚 fú shì hǎi tún Lagenodelphis hosei
中文名 | 弗氏海豚 | 目 | 鲸目 |
拉丁学名 | Lagenodelphis hosei | 亚目 | 齿鲸亚目 |
别名 | 沙漏海豚、弗海豚、弗氏海豚、沙捞越海豚 | 科 | 海豚科 |
界 | 动物界 | 种 | 海豚 |
门 | 脊索动物门 | 属 | 坛喙海豚属 |
亚门 | 脊椎动物亚门 | 分布 | 太平洋 |
纲 | 哺乳纲 | 汉语拼音 | fú shì hǎi tún |
沙捞越海豚(学名:Lagenodelphis hosei),吻突短。背鳍较小,近似等边三角形,末端尖,微后曲。鳍肢和尾鳍也较小。体背部蓝黑色或黑灰色,腹部白色。由口角通过眼至肛门后方有一蓝黑色宽带,以此带分界上侧为灰色,下侧为白色。该黑色带由眼向前延伸至额吻交界处,由口角另分出一支延伸至鳍肢基。背鳍、鳍肢、尾鳍及尾柄下面均蓝黑色。上下颌每侧有齿34~44枚。
The Sarawak dolphin (scientific name: Lagenodelphis hosei) has a short snout. The dorsal fin is small, approximately equilateral triangle, with a pointed end and slightly retroflex. The fin limbs and tail fins are also smaller. The back of the body is blue black or black gray, and the abdomen is white. There is a blue black broadband from the corner of the mouth through the eyes to the back of the anus, which divides the upper side into gray and the lower side into white. The black band extends from the eye forward to the junction of the forehead and snout, and another branch extends from the corner of the mouth to the base of the fin limb. The dorsal fins, fin limbs, tail fins, and underside of the tail handle are all blue black. There are 34-44 teeth on each side of the upper and lower jaw.
版权:《弗氏海豚 fú shì hǎi tún Lagenodelphis hosei》由“鱼花网[www.fishbkw.com]”编辑整理,请勿采集、转载!本文素材均来自网络如有侵权请联系我们予以删除!谢谢...
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