拟羊鱼 nǐ yáng yú
拟羊鱼,下颌具有两根长且十分灵活的须,将须隐藏在海底斜斜地或垂直地活动,藉此捕捉海底的食物,其须还具有味觉。体侧扁,略延长。下颌具须。鳞片大。体色银白,近背侧较黄,体侧中央具一条金黄色宽纵带。各鳍均为黄色,尾鳍叉形。与黄线拟羊鱼(M. flavolineatus)相似,但後者较瘦长且体侧中央的黄色纵带上具一黑斑。
It has two long and flexible whiskers on its lower jaw. It hides its whiskers on the seabed and moves obliquely or vertically, so as to capture the food on the seabed. It must also have a sense of taste. The body is flat on the side and slightly extended. With mandibular whiskers. The scales are large. The body color is silvery white, the near dorsal side is yellow, and there is a golden yellow wide longitudinal band in the center of the body side. Each fin is yellow and the caudal fin is forked. It is similar to M. flavilineatus, but the latter is slender and has a black spot on the Yellow longitudinal band in the center of the body side.
版权:《拟羊鱼 nǐ yáng yú 》由“鱼花网[www.fishbkw.com]”编辑整理,请勿采集、转载!本文素材均来自网络如有侵权请联系我们予以删除!谢谢...
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