大海鲢 dà hǎi lián Megalops cyprinoides
中文名 | 大海鲢 | 亚纲 | 辐鳍亚纲 |
拉丁学名 | Megalops cyprinoides | 目 | 海鲢目 |
别名 | 大眼海鲢,印太海鲢,鲤形大海鲢 | 科 | 大海鲢科 |
界 | 动物界 | 种 | 大海鲢 |
门 | 脊索动物门 | 属 | 大海鲢属 |
亚门 | 脊椎动物亚门 | 分布 | 太平洋至印度洋,西起非洲东南岸,东至美拉尼西亚,南起澳大利亚,北至日本琉球海域科 |
纲 | 软骨鱼纲 | 汉语拼音 | dà hǎi lián |
大海鲢(学名:Megalops cyprinoids)是大海鲢科、大海鲢属一种海洋鱼类。体延长而侧扁,体稍高。眼径较吻长。口稍上位;下颌较突出,上颌向后延长,接近眼后缘。具喉板。体被大而薄的圆鳞,腹部无棱鳞;侧线直走,侧线鳞数36-40。背鳍在体被中央,最后一鳍条延长为丝状;腹鳍起点在背鳍起点下方;臀鳍前半部鳍条较后半部鳍条为长。体背部、青灰色,腹部银白色,吻端青灰色,各鳍淡黄色。背鳍与尾鳍边缘暗
The sea silver carp (scientific name: Megalops cyprinoids) is a kind of marine fish belonging to the genus Hypophthalmichthys and family Hypophthalmichthys. The body is long and flat on the side, and the body is slightly higher. The eye diameter is longer than the kiss. The mouth is slightly superior; The lower jaw is more prominent, and the upper jaw is extended backward, close to the posterior edge of the eye. With laryngeal plate. The body is covered with large and thin round scales, and the abdomen has no edge scales; The number of scales on the side line is 36-40. The dorsal fin is in the middle of the body, and the last fin ray is elongated into filiform; The starting point of ventral fin is below the starting point of dorsal fin; The fin rays of the anterior half of the gluteal fin are longer than those of the posterior half. The back of the body is cyan gray, the abdomen is silver white, the snout is cyan gray, and each fin is light yellow. Dorsal and caudal fin edges dark
大海鲢(Megalops cyprinoides)是1782年法国博物学家布鲁桑尼特(Pierre Marie Auguste Broussonet,1761-1807),在《鱼类学——鱼类图文查考》(Ichthyologia , sistens piscium descriptiones et icones)里,根据采自瓦努阿图(Vanuatu)的新赫布里底(New Hebrides)的标本,以“鲤形鲱(Clupea cyprinoides)”之学名发表的,为首次描述。
中国“大海鲢”的最早文献,见于1846年苏格兰海军外科医生及博物学家理查森(John Richardson,1787-1865)在《大英科学促进协会报告》(Report of the British Association for the Advancement of Science) 中《中国与日本海的鱼类学报告》(Report on the Ichthyology of the Seas of China and Japan)一文所记“毛翅海鲢(Megalops setipinnis)”与“曲丝海鲢(Megalopscurtifilis)”均为该种同物异名。在香港,2001年香港大学生态及生物多样性学系(Department of Ecology & Biodiversity)刊物《豪猪!》(Porcupine!)第22期,以及2003年,渔农自然护理署韦敬辉(Keith DP Wilson)所著《香港人工鱼礁与岩礁鱼类》(Artificial Reefs and Reef Fish in Hong Kong)中,有作为海水鱼类的记载。著者早在1980年代末,根据渔民描述,于本地各沿岸海域较淡内湾已有多次记录。
大海鲢的先定同物异名为Clupea cyprinoides、Elops cyprinoides、Megalops cyprinoides,次定同物异名有Brisbania staigeri、Clupea thrissoides、Cyprinodon cundinga、Elops cundinga、Megalopscundinga、Megalopscurtifilis、Megalopsfilamentosus、Megalopsindicus、Megalopsmacrophthalmus、Megalopsmacropterus、Megalopsoligolepis、Megalopssetipinnis。
背鳍17;臀鳍26;胸鳍15;腹鳍10。侧线鳞39-42 。鳃耙14+27。
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