狼鳚 Anarhichas lupus láng wèi
Wolves, Perciformes, nine species of anarhichadidae, which are distributed in the North Atlantic and North Pacific. Coyotes are distributed from the coastline to the sea area below 300 meters deep. In Europe, it's called a bird. Fish are eaten in Europe and the United States.
狼鳚分布于北半球寒冷的海域里,其中的种类有身体具横带的北大西洋种狼鳚(Anarhichas lupus),身体有斑点的另一北大西洋种小狼鳚(A. minor),以及身体有黑斑的东太平洋种狼鳗(鳚Anarhichthys ocellatus)。
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