白鲑 Coregonus bái guī
中文名 | 白鲑 | 目 | 鲑形目 |
拉丁学名 | Coregonus | 亚纲 | 辐鳍亚纲 |
别名 | 科 | 鲑科,白鲑科 | |
界 | 动物界 | 种 | |
门 | 脊索动物门 | 属 | 白鲑属 |
亚门 | 脊椎动物亚门 | 分布 | 分布在北美五大湖区、新英格兰北部以及阿拉斯加和加拿大许多地区 |
纲 | 硬骨鱼纲 | 汉语拼音 | bái guī |
白鲑是鲑鱼科(Salmonidae)白鲑属(Coregonus)的一属鲑鱼的统称。鲱形白鲑拉丁学名是Coregonus clupeaformis;洛矶山柱白鲑拉丁学名是Prosopium williamsoni;真柱白鲑拉丁学名是P. cylindraceum,是北半球温带和寒带多种鱼的统称。鲱形白鲑(lake whitefish),是北美洲五大湖(Great Lakes)最有价值的食用鱼之一,栖息地向北一直延伸至北极圈内。身体呈梭型,嘴小无牙,尾巴分叉成“W”型。上身成橄榄色,腹部成白色。成年体重可达2至5磅(0.9至2.3千克),但有时体重也有超过20磅(9千克)的。体长可达24英寸(60厘米)。
White salmon is a general term for salmon belonging to the genus Coregonus of Salmonidae. The Latin name of herring shaped white salmon is Coregonus clupeaformis; The Latin name of Rocky Mountain pillar whitefish is prosopium williamsoni; P. cylindraceum is the Latin name of P. cylindraceum, which is the general name of many kinds of fish in the temperate and cold zones of the northern hemisphere. Herring whitefish is one of the most valuable food fish in the Great Lakes of North America. Its habitat extends north to the Arctic circle. The body is shuttle shaped, the mouth is small and toothless, and the tail is forked into a "W" shape. The upper body is olive and the abdomen is white. Adults can weigh up to 2 to 5 pounds (0.9 to 2.3 kilograms), but sometimes they weigh more than 20 pounds (9 kilograms). The body length can reach 24 inches (60 cm).
许多白鲑,比如说洛矶山柱白鲑(mountain whitefish)和真柱白鲑(round whitefish)和鲱形白鲑,都是可供垂钓的鱼。落矶山柱白鲑生活在北太平洋沿岸美国各州和大不列颠哥伦比亚省的湖泊和溪流中,平均体长12英寸(30厘米)。真柱白鲑体形与落矶山柱白鲑相似,生活在湖泊和溪流中,分布在北美五大湖区、新英格兰北部以及阿拉斯加和加拿大许多地区。
能量91 千卡
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